- Turquoise is a mineral species; triclinic crystal system; chemical compositionCuAl(PO4)4(OH)8-5H2O
- Semi- translucent to opaque
- Light to medium blue, greenish blue to green; often mottled, and may show dark splotches or veins of matrix
Variety and Trade Names:
- Persian – intense, even medium blue, with low porosity, allowing a good polish; considered the finest quality
- American or Mexican – light blue, greenish blue to bluish green; it is somewhat porous
- Egyptian – greenish blue to yellowish green
- spiderweb – turquoise with matrix in weblike patterns
- Optic Character: AGG (DR)
- Refractive Index: 1.610-1.650, usually 1.61 spot reading
- Birefringence: usually not detectable
- Pleochroism: none
- Ultraviolet Fluorescence: inert to weak greenish yellow (LW), inert (SW)
- Absorption Spectra: occasionally shows two medium to weak bands at 420 and 432 nm (the latter is stronger); may also have a weak band at 460 nm.
- Cause of Color: blue – copper; green -copper and iron
- Specific Gravity: 2.76 (+.14, -.36)
- Polish Luster: waxy to vitreous
- Fracture: conchoidal or granular, depending on porosity
- Luster: waxy to dull
- Cleavage: none
- Identifying Characteristics: often has matrix
- Crystal Habit: massive
- Hardness: 5-6
- Toughness: fine quality is fair to good; chalky untreated material is poor and easily fractures
- Method: plastic impregnation, sometimes with a colorant added
Effect: produces medium blue from nearly white, very porous material; also improves durability
Prevalence: common
Detection: combination of color and low SG (strong indication), hot point, infrared spectrum, magnification (possibly)
Stability: stable
Special Care Instructions: avoid heat
- Method: wax impregnation
Effect: seals the pores and deepens the color of porous, light colored material
Prevalence: common
Detection: hot point and magnification, low SG
Stability: wax may pick up dirt and gradually discolor
Special Care Instructions: avoid heat and solvents
- Method: filling cavities with a metal-loaded epoxy, usually a yellowish “pyrite” color
Effect: fills cavities and imitates pyrite inclusions
Prevalence: occasional
Detection: magnification, hot point, color and luster
Stability: epoxy filling may separate
Special Care Instructions: avoid solvents
- Method: surface coating with lacquer, epoxy, etc
Effect: to add color or to seal underlying dye or paint
Prevalence: rare
Detection: visual observation, magnification
Stability: variable
Special Care Instructions: avoid heat and solvents
Birthstone Designation(s):
December, 5:00 am,
Saturday; 11th wedding anniversary
Major Source: US. Others: Australia, Chile, China, Iran (historical), Mexico
Stone information is reference from
Gem Reference Guide, Published by GIA. ISBN 0-87311-019-6
Gemstones of the World, Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc NY, ISBN 1-4027-4016-6
Encyclopedia of GEMSTONE, Published by ISHINSHA CO., LTD. ISBN 978-986-251-831-1