Tag Archives: almandine

Garnet – Almandine

Description: Almandite (ALL-man-dite) or almandine (ALL-man-deen) is a mineral species in the garnet group; cubic crystal system. Appearance: • transparent to semi-translucent (for very dark stones)• reddish orange to red, slightly purplish red to reddish purple: typically dark in tone Identification: Optic Character: SR, often ADR Refractive Index: 1.790 (3.030)Absorption Spectra: usually three strong bands at […]

January Birthstone Garnet

Garnet: The Gemstone of Passion, Protection, and Transformation What is Garnet? Garnet, the birthstone for January, dazzles with its rich hues and versatile properties. This gemstone belongs to a group of silicate minerals that share a common crystal structure but have varied chemical compositions, resulting in a wide range of colors. While deep red garnets […]

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