August – Peridot, Spinel

Peridot Attributes

Peridot was believed to keep away evil spirits. It is still a protective stone for the aura.

Psychologically, Peridot alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite and anger, and reduces stress. It enhances confidence and assertion without aggression. Motivating growth, Peridot helps to bring about necessary change. It assists in looking back to the past to find the gift in your experiences, and shows how to forgive yourself. This stone promotes psychological clarity and well-being. It is attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth, and regulates the cycles of life.

Spinel Attributes

Spinel is connected with energy renewal, encouragement in difficult circumstances, and rejuvenation.

Psychologically, Spinel enhances positive aspects of the personality. It aids in achieving and accepting success with humility.

Mentally, Peridot sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. It banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all the things you have neglected consciously or unconsciously. With Peridot’s aid, you can admit mistakes and move on. It helps you to take responsibility for your own life, especially when you believe it is all “someone else’s fault.” The influence of Peridot can greatly improve difficult relationships.

Stone information from

The Crystal Bible, Edited by Judy Hall, ISBN 1-58297-240-0
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